Texas Approved Defensive Driving Online - TDLR CP#1009
Defensive Driving Course Details
Defensive Driving Online
We have partnered with the top defensive driving courses in Texas to offer their courses with an exclusive discount. These are TDLR-approved defensive driving courses that are approved in every court in Texas. You can rest assured that you will receive exceptional customer service, pay the minimum amount allowed by law and spend as little time taking the course as possible. These courses offer a satisfaction guarantee. Either they dismiss your ticket or they pay the ticket for you.
Dismiss Your Traffic Ticket
Instant Certificate Download
Type 3A Texas Driving Record
Most Texas courts also require you to order a copy of your Type 3A Driving Record as part of the requirements for completing a driving safety course. We partner with a service that provides that driving record online so that you can finish your course ASAP. 
Complete Your Course
Download Certificate Online
Online Texas
Defensive Driving Course
Dismiss your traffic ticket using our Texas-approved online course that is the shortest time allowed by law!
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